so just a warning, i do not generally check my punctuation, my spelling, my grammer or any of that. i start in on a thought and frankly i am just too lazy to do a "final draft" as my high school english teacher would require. OK. so on with my stuff.
i sit here in my big comfy chair at 11:15pm with a major case of snack attack. I go to the cupboard and find that almost of my cookie crisp cereal has been eaten. yes i know there are 4 tiny little people in this house who also enjoy them but really i dont want to share. do you think that our parents ever had thoughts like that? do you think that our parents were like, "step away from the cookie crisp cereal and no one gets hurt!' i am not a big fan of whiney kiddos and sometimes i really just dont want to fight the battle of why you have to eat your green beans or why you have to have some chicken before you eat half of a pan of brownies, BLAH BLAH BLAH. because honestly there are days i just wanna skip the chicken, the green beans, the tossed salad ALL OF IT and just dig into the pan of brownies and ice cream and chocolate syrup and sprinkles and chocolate chips. But i dont think my mom ever had those thoughts. i swear the woman was perfect. and dont even get me started on my gram. she has perfectly portioned meals all the time and a wonderfully clean house, change subject because my organization skills and "womanly" duties really need work. ok so what was i saying?................oh yeah junk food. do you think as parents we will ever just "grow up" and become that adult that we laughed at when we were younger. because i swear to you i do not feel like i am 25 plus shipping and handeling. (yes speaking of my age, no you dont need to know what it is) i still feel like the day i graduated from high school, well aside from the 30 or so (maybe more) pounds i have put on since that day or the single grey hair i found (shh i plucked it no one knows about it lets keep it between us) but i do not feel like i am getting older, yeah sure my kids are getting older, the people around me are getting older but i am not. so anyway, i am sure i had a point somewhere but i am failing to remember it right now. so anyway tomorrow for breakfast cookie crisp for everyone, brownies and ice cream for lunch, and pizza for dinner (no green things though). i really hope that one day when my kids grow up (yes i will still be 25 plus shipping and handeling) they will look back and say, "back away from the cookie crisp and no one gets hurt!"